21 July 2014

Call for Tools: Build Day One Approaches

Our trailer is finally completed! Sadly it took nearly twice as long as expected due to the drop axle supplier failing to come through for the fabricator. But, as of today, a shipper began the drive up from Florida with the completed trailer, and should arrive by Tuesday evening. If all goes according to plan, I'll get it titled and registered in New York, and moved to the construction site before the end of the week. Then, this upcoming weekend (July 26-27) will mark the official start of construction!

As day one approaches, now is the time to get our hands on tools that will be needed. We'll end up buying or renting anything we need but can't get, and some helpers has already committed to bringing some of these, but when and for how long are unknown. We also have some of these tools already on hand (including hopefully everything we need for day one), but could use second/different ones (like stronger and larger drill bits than we have, longer extension cords, more tarps, et cetera). So, if you have any of the following and are willing to lend them to us, please just let us know!

Drill Bits
Miter Saw
Circular Saw
Jig Saw
Framing Nail Gun
Smaller Nail Gun(s)
Compressor and pneumatic cable for nail guns
Staple Gun (for Tyvek)
Belt Sander
Orbital Sander
Framing Level/Plumb Level
Framing Square
Measuring tape
Dust Masks
Work Gloves
Tarps, Bungee Cords
Extension Cords

If you're interested in helping out with the build, stay tuned for updates here. I'm hoping to schedule the wall-raising day as a fun little gathering for anyone who's interested in giving us some time and work, in exchange for food and drink.

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