16 December 2014

Snow Moves in on JR

As promised, no more flurry of effort being put in to the house for awhile, but I still have some updates to share. Also, I apologize in advance that some of the pictures are pretty crappy. I don't have any mechanical outdoor lighting, and it's usually dark by the time I remember to take pictures, so it's all up to my phone's tiny flash to show anything at all.

This is the North wall of the house, where siding is catching up with the South and West walls. Still plenty to do, but it's coming along nicely.

Two things going on in this shot. First, snow! Lots of snow, actually...although it looks deceiving, especially at the rear of the trailer (where the ground is several feet away from the underside of the house), the snow is over a foot deep at the time of this photo.
The other thing of note is Alexi (our car, in case you're not familiar) in the background, stuck in the snow. Poor guy needs some new tires with better treads, so over an hour of the day here was spent digging and pushing Alexi back onto pavement. I do appreciate the help of the neighbors and a good samaritan who stopped to offer help, and a bag of salt for traction.

After getting over being startled several times by a loud "wumpfh" sound, I figured out that the snow was sliding off the metal roof and slamming into the ground in big sections. Big parts at a time because, as you can see, the snow would slide down and somehow have enough integrity to stay attached to the rest of the snow up on the roof until it was cantilevered out a couple of feet. Cool! (though it suggests it may be prudent to buy some snow guards for our roof to reduce the chances of one of those big sections hitting someone in the head)

Early winter in Rochester means snow piles up, then melts. Piles up, then melts. This is not great for the "utility shed" at the front of the trailer, which still didn't have a finished roof. So, I finally got around to starting that.

And here we are with the most up-to-date progress: the mini-roof is complete except for rake and pitch break trim.


  1. Hey- I'm over in Canandaigua and am in the planning/saving stage right now- hoping to start my build in the next year. If you are ever willing to get together and talk tiny--and maybe let me take a gander at your project--that would be awesome!!


    1. Hi Hannah! I just sent you a message on Google hangouts...just send me a reply and we can set something up!
