
This is a rough list of the materials we expect to purchase and their costs. Some items don't yet have estimated costs filled in, and of course, not everything that will be needed is yet listed. As we make actual purchases and the plan extends further out, I'll update the list with actual money spent and more items, respectively.

Update: Actual purchases made so far are now colored orange. I've also made some of the items in the table links, as it turns out nobody has heard of "Homasote" (it's like OSB...ish) or "Gutex" (it's a watertight, insulating sheathing product line).

Trailer and Subfloor ($7,196.62)
$ 4,552.34 24' Trailer
$ 1,149.06 Trailer Delivery
$ 99.18 Aluminum Sheathing
$ 19.50 Aluminum Tape
$ 531.20 Wool Insulation (R19)
$ 143.28 T&G OSB
$ 543.25 DB+ vapor retarder*
$ 64.67 Unitape*
$ 37.02 Eco Coll Adhesive*
$ 57.12 Bolts and Strong Ties
Roof ($2,976.86)
$ 435.82 2x6 Rafters
$ 49 1x8 Fascia
$ 38 1x6 Fascia
$ 18.88 Hurricane Clip
$ 12.90 8d Nails
$ 872.78 Gutex Ultratherm**
$ 49.67 60d Nails
$ 1,499.81 Metal Roof, Sealant, Fasteners
Tools and Other ($226.30)
$ 94.04 Jack Stands
$ 25.54 Paving Stones
$ 73.02 Tarps
$ 33.70 Misc Hand Tools
Walls ($4,395.45)
$ 915.06 2x4 Studs
$ 215.46 2x6 Headers
$ 116.96 Header Hangers
$ 29.75 1/2" Plywood Spacer
$ 53.94 Paslode 16d Nails
$ 537.60 Homasote 440
$ 22.60 Galvanized Roofing Nails
$ 810.00 Roxul Comfortboard IS
$ 164.82 6x130mm Heco Unix Screws
$ 152.60 Tyvek
$ 23.88 Tyvek Tape
$ 136 1x3 Furring
$ 16.78 Insect Mesh
$ 1,200 Shiplap Siding
Doors and Windows ($4,748.66)
$ 933.22 Exterior Door
$ 39.92 Door Knob Set
$ 2,382.89 2'x4' Sliding Windows (6)
$ 443.47 2.5'x2.5' Awning Window
$ 380.95 2'x2' Awning Window
$ 472.93 2'x5' Fixed Window
$ 95.28 Caluk, Shims, and Flashing
Actual thus far: $18,120.89
Total: $19,543.89

* Price for sufficient quantity for not just the subfloor, but also all walls and ceiling
** We got a hefty discount on this, as we opted to purchase a pallet that had been damaged in transit (but still has enough usable area) from Germany to the States. Thanks to all the great people at 475 Building Supply!

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